Monday 10-29-18 Workout Of The Day


Happy Monday everyone! We’ve got a few things going on that I would like to lshare with you this week…

  1. Our lunchtime clases will be a condensed version of the days workout called “LunchFit”. The feedback we’ve been getting is that people still like the 30 min “quick hit” at lunch but don’t want to lose their mad CrossFit skills so we’re going to try and give you the same WOD bu possibly a little shorter. If you’re someone who needs more time to warm up please feel free to come in at 12pm or open gym prior to that and give yourself a little TLC to get prepped for the workout. Typically the warm up is a bit of a “light” build for the workout. You’ve asked for it, we’re doing it…
  2. We have a newsletter coming out this week and would love for everyone who wishes to fill out the survey in there. Paul will be doing a video response to all active members on the questions and comments left in there. You can put your name in the comments section if you want some communication back but questions and requests will be answered in an emailed link to all active members early next week. Please be as descriptive as possible with your questions.
  3. Dress up for our Halloween WOD this Wednesday and win a chance to get 50% off your November membership dues. We will all collect photos and staff will vote on the best costume of the day!
  4. STARKE WARS is coming up November 10th. Make sure to sign up with a partner by November 3rd as we won’t be taking registration after that. The cost is $20/person and each person must sign up.
  5. Christmas Party info is up! Ali is planning this years Christmas party and it’s going to start with some “Bingo Bowling” at Roxy Lanes for 90 minutes on Henderson Highway followed by a potluck at Starke right afterwards. The Details…

When: December 15th
Time: 7pm Bowling (Roxy Lanes) 9ish potluck (Starke)
Who: You, your family or friends… Anyone who wants to come…
What to wear: Something that’s NOT GYM clothing
Please sign up on the signup sheet on the whiteboard near the garage door and have $12 for Ali per person you’re signing up.

Monday 10-29-18

20 Min EMOM

Min 1. 3 Squat Cleans @ 110/155# +/- or 5 Double Bell Clean & Front Squat @ 35/40#

Min 2. 50 Double Unders

Min 3. 8 C2B / Pull-Ups

Min 4. 5 Burpee Box Overs 24/30” +/-

people working out in a group fitness class


Talk with a coach to see if working out at Starke Strength & Conditioning is right for you.
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