Monday 3-28-22 Workout Of The Day
E2M – 6
Power Cleans
Every 2 min build your touch and go clean starting at six reps and dropping to on rep for the final set.
AMRAP – 14
5 Power Cleans
6 Burpee Box Jumps
7 C2B Pull Ups
8 Deadlift
9 Ring Dips
50 Double Unders or 100 Single Unders
RX: 110/155#
Intermediate: 95/135# +/-
Beginner: 65/95# +/-
Lets get heavy then lighten the load and get sweaty… Pick a weight for the AMRAP that you can do five unbroken reps with on your cleans in the first round or two at least. Use the same weight for your deadlifts for 8 reps/round.