Monday 8-08-22 Workout Of The Day
Partner WOD
“Justin’s Bustin” Happy 39 Coach Justin! Yesterday was coach Justin’s birthday but we wanted EVERYONE to have a chance to hit it throughout the day today 🙂
Buy In 400m Run
12 RFT (alternating working rounds)
3 Ring Muscle ups / Ring Dips
6 BB Snatches
9 Bar over Burpees
Cash Out 400m Run
Intermediate: 55/75#
Beginner: 45/55# +/-
Partners will perform this workout together alternating rounds where one person works and one person rests for the entire round (6 rounds each). Movements should be quick along with transitions from one exercise to the other with rounds taking in and around 90-120 seconds max / person. Both partners will perform the buy in and cash out runs together.
500m Time Trial Row
*Get ready to sell your soul to the Concept2 Devil. Some people are still coughing from last year’s 500m time trial on Justin’s birthday 🙂 This is a short distance so start hard and finish harder. It’ll be a gooder! Post your times and set all monitors to a 500m count down for your row so you get times to the 10th of a second…