Monday 8-23-21 Workout Of The Day

EMOM – 16
5 Deadlift
5 Strict HSPU / Pike Push Up / Strict Press (DB/KB)

Part A. is a strength portion focusing on deadlifts and vertical pressing. We will work up to a challenging but repeatable five reps for your deadlift and find a challenging method for the handstand push ups / vertical pressing variations. Your rest period should be longer than your work period in a strength EMOM.

For Time (15 Minute cap)

“Gut Check”
Deadlift 125/185#
Bar Facing Burpees
40 DU’s or 80 singles after each round completed

Part B. should be a quick workout with consistent movement. You should be able to move well with the weight you choose for Part B. and it should be lighter than what you pulled for your deadlift in part A. In your round of 21 deadlifts you should only need one to two breaks max, in the round of fifteen one break only, the round of nine should be unbroken. Pace your burpees so you can get right to your rope and get to work on those DU’s Have Fun 😉