Today is the day. It’s time for the gains to awaken.

We’re looking forward to having everyone down for the first ever “Starke Wars” in-house competition. We hope athletes are ready and excited for the workouts ahead. All information was emailed out a few days ago but you can see all of it down below in this post along with some video explanations of the workouts. The first workout begins at 10:05 am so if you know you’re in the first heat, please make sure to be there a little earlier and warmed up ready to go.

We will be going over standards at 9:50 for workout #1

We look forward to seeing everyone and can’t wait to see “The Gains Awaken”


Team Members Team number
Colton Doersam and Derek Oryniak 1
Ferdinand Marzo and Jeff Castillo 2
David Enns and Chris Dyck 3
Mikey Cruz and Ben Fransoo 4
Justin Ross and Mike Higham 5
Eric Kapilik and Nick Klassen 6
Robert  Waller and Angelou Flores 7
Darren Johnston and Sarah Johnston 8
Quinton Gowler and Angie Wiebe 9
Ana Pfund and Tanya Nawolski 10
Desiree Hawcroft and Kelly Kosowan 11
Emily Dempster and Jordan Hanaway 12
Meghan Grenkow and Hailey Hilebrand 13
Caitlin Ring and Mandy Einarson 14
Melissa Willard and Ali Jacoby 15
Late registration 16
Late registration 17
Late registration 18



WOD #1- “Balls and a Barbell” (12 min)

10:05am Heat 1

Teams 1, 2, 3,8, 10, (16)

10:20am Heat 2

Teams 4, 5, 9, 11, 12, (17)

10:35am Heat 3

Teams 6, 7, 13, 14, 15, (18) 

WOD #2 “Double Jackie” (14 min CAP)

11:10am Heat 1

Teams 1, 2, 3,8, 10, (16)

11:30am Heat 2

Teams 4, 5, 9, 11, 12, (17)

11:50am Heat 3

Teams 6, 7, 13, 14, 15, (18) 

WOD #3 “It’s Not You It’s Me” (12 min)

12:20pm Heat 1

Teams 1, 2, 3,8, 10, (16)

12:35pm Heat 2

Teams 4, 5, 9, 11, 12, (17)

12:50pm Heat 3

Teams 6, 7, 13, 14, 15, (18) 

WOD #4 “Single Under Thunder From Down Under” (20 min CAP)

1:20pm Heat 1

Teams 1, 2, 3,8, 10,(16)

1:45pm Heat 2

Teams 4, 5, 9, 11, 12, (17)

2:10pm Heat 3

Teams 6, 7, 13, 14, 15, (18) 

2:45pmAwards & Closing



“Balls and A Barbell”

0:00-6:00 Minutes Max Wall Balls

6:01-12:00 Build to your heaviest single squat clean thruster

*EMOM for the first six minutes both partners do five burpees together before continuing back onto wall balls 


“Double Jackie”


2000M ROW

100 THRUSTERS 35/45#



“It’s Not You It’s Me”

12 min AMRAP

Partner 1 does full round before tagging off

6 Bar Over Burpees

6 Power Cleans 85/115#

6 KB Snatch / Arm 35/50#



For Time Share the load…

“Single Under Thunder From Down Under”

150 Single Unders

50 Box-Over Burpees 20/24”

150 Single Unders

50 BB Snatches 55/75#

150 Single Unders

50 KBS 35/50#

150 Single Unders

50 Kcal Row