Saturday 12-24-22 Workout Of The Day
35 Min Cap, In teams of two…
0:00 – 20:00
Max Kcal ECHO alternating partners EVERY minute on the minute with “0” transition time.
20:01 – 35:00 (15:00)
AMRAP alternate working partners for full rounds…
10 Box Jump Overs
8 C2B Pull Ups / Pull Ups / Ring Rows
6 Hang Squat Cleans
RX: 110/155#
Intermediate: 95/135#
Beginner: 65/95# +/-
There are two parts to this workout scored separately. Make sure to set the ECHO bike to a 20 min time limit and note your combined calories with your partner. Part two begins exactly at the 20:00 mark. You should be able to complete full rounds ideally unbroken so transitions are quick. Hang squat cleans should be unbroken. pull ups unbroken OR one break and box jump over consistent.