GYM NEWS: Good evening everyone. You may have noticed that there is only one class on the schedule for tomorrow. My mother passed away a week ago and the funeral is tomorrow. All of our coaches wanted to attend, pay their respects, and lend their support and I appreciate that. I’m sorry for the inconvenience but there will only be one class at 8am tomorrow.
Thank you for your understanding.
Saturday 6-02-18 Workout Of The Day
5 Rounds of…
1 Minute Max Wall Balls 14/20#
1 Minute Max Box Jumps 20/24″
1 Minute Max KBS 35/50#
1 Minute Max Plate Burpees 45#
1 Minute Max Kcal Row
1 Minute Rest
*Athletes should count all reps cumulatively to put a total score up during the rest period of each round.