Starke Sweat Monday April 8th – Friday April 14th 2024

Monday 4-08-24 Starke Sweat
EMOM – 15
8-10 DB Thrusters
8 Dragon flags
6 DB Over Burpees

For Time (cap 15)
40/50 Kcal ECHO
30 Push Ups
20 Box jump overs
10 Lengths KB loaded carry*

Garage door to ECHO bikes = 1 length

Tuesday 4-09-24 Starke Sweat

Odd: 6-8 DB Bench Press
Even: 6-8 Chin ups*

* perform banded chin ups with a one second pause in the bottom and one second pause at the top of the rep

5 Rounds of…
2:00 Work and 1:00 Rest
16/20 Kcal Row
Max alternating bodyweight lunges with remaining time

Wednesday 4-10-24 Starke Sweat

In teams of two.
Midnight Munchies
100 Kcal  C2
90 T2B/ HLR
80 Kcal Row
70 Dbl. DB/KB Front Squats
60 Kcal Ski
50 Box Jumps
40 Kcal ECHO
30 Alt Renegade Rows w. Push Up
20 Shuttle runs (wall to wall)
10 Burpee Pull Ups

Thursday 4-11-24 Starke Sweat

EMOM – 16 (4 rounds) 
8 Pull Ups
10 Alt. Gorilla Rows 
10 KB Split Stance DL (5/leg)
1 Sled Push

Row Repeats…
5×400/500m with 90 seconds recovery between rounds

*Set intervals to four or five hundred meters with a 90 second recovery

Friday 4-12-24 Starke Sweat

E4M – 5
10 DB Push Press
8 Front Squats
6 Hang Cleans
4 Alt lunges
2 Renegade Rows (no push up)

*Use the same DB’s for the full round without putting the weights down. Rest for the remaining time on the clock after completing your renegade rows

AMRAP – 10
10/12 Kcal Ski
6 Front Squat Jumps

*Use the same bell for your KBS and your front squats