Starke Sweat Monday June 24th – Friday June 29th 2024

Monday 6-24-24

E6M – 5 (30 minutes)
12 Dbl Bell Gorilla Rows (alt)
10 Dbl Bell Deadlifts
8 Dbl Bell Cleans
6 Dbl Bell Front Squats
4 S2OH
2 Burpee Pull Ups
150m Run

Today’s workout is a great work hard, rest hard workout. Try to hit your Dbl bell work unbroken if possible and push the run to get as much rest as possible before the next round. Sub running for 350/450m C2 Bike

Tuesday 6-25-24

E75 – 12 (15 min)
Odd Rounds: 8 Bench Press  
Even Rounds: 12 Alt KB. Gorilla Rows

AMRAP – 14
10 Wall Balls
10 Alt. Lunges (body weight)
10 Kcal Ski

*E2M 2,4,6,8,10,12 perform five burpees and pick up where you left off.

Part A. is a little strength work on a 75 second clock. Choose weights that will be challenging and repeatable. Part B. is a non stop 14 minutes that can all be done on the turf. Hit your wall balls, lunges and ski but hit the deck every two minutes to perform five burpees before picking up where you left off.   

Wednesday 6-26-24

In teams of two… (cap 35)
100 Kcal Row 

90 KBS

80 Push Ups 

70 Box Jumps 

60 T2B / HLR

50 Single DB Box Step Overs 

40 Dbl. DB Thrusters

30 Burpees to a target

20 Dbl DB Devils Press

10 Wall walks (to 45 degrees)

Today’s workout is a team of two chipper. Perform all the reps of your movement before moving on to the next. Share the load as required and keep in mind that you DO NOT need to split all your reps evenly. 

Thursday 6-27-24

EMOM – 15
1. 8-10 Goblet Squats (heavy)
2. 10 Dbl. DB/KB Strict Press
3. 10 Ring Rows
AMRAP – 15
8/10 Kcal ECHO
10 Alt DB Snatches
8 Single DB Hang Squat Clean (4/side not alt)
6 Pull Ups

Part A. Is a little strength EMOM. Pick weights that are challenging and will allow you to recover in 20~ seconds. The amount of rest you get in a timed workout will dictate how heavy you’ll be able to go so you can recover and move on to the next exercise.

Part B. is a fifteen minute AMRAP. It’s a medium distance piece so do go out too hot or you’ll be sorry. 

Friday 6-28-24 

“Sufferin’ Succotash”
On a 30 minute clock
In teams of two.
Alternating working partners…

10 Rounds  of…
10 KBS + 150m Run

Rest 2 Minutes

In the remaining time AMRAP the following…
30 Kcal Row
20 Box Jump Overs
10 Bupees

*Split up the work as desired

Person one will perform all ten KBS then hit the 150m run before person two completes a full round. After the tenth round, rest for two minutes and AMRAP the second part until the clock hits the 30 minute mark.