Starke Sweat Monday March 18th – Friday March 22nd 2024
Monday 03-18-24
E90 – 12 (18 min)
Odd: 10 Walking DB Lunges
Even: 8-10 Pull ups
5 Rounds for time…
13/16 Kcal ECHO
12 Box Jump overs
8 T2B / HLR / Sit ups
Tuesday 03-19-24
E75 – 15 (18.75 min)
8-10 BB Bench press
8-10 DB Bent over rows
8-10 Goblet squats
AMRAP – 10
10/12 Kcal Ski
8 x 40’ Shuttle runs
4 Empty sled sprints
Wednesday 03-20-24
EMOM – 20 (5 rounds)
8-12 Reps of…
1. DB Half kneeling press (right side)
2. DB Half kneeling press (left side)
3. Alt. Gorilla rows
4 DB Step ups
5 Rounds for time…
10 DB Hang clean & jerks
8 DB Front squats
6 DB Burpees
4 Jumping pull ups
Thursday 03-21-24
For Time…
100 Kcal Row
90 Anchored sit ups
80 Kcal Row
70 KBS
60 Kcal Row
50 Box Jumps
40 Kcal Row
30 DB Snatches / arm (60 total)
20 Kcal Row
10 Burpee pull ups
Friday 03-22-24
A. Skill
Turkish Get Up (TGU)
5 Rounds NFT
1. TGU Right + Left
2. 6-8 DB/KB Strict thrusters
3. 6 DB/KB Windmill / side
4. 6-8 Split stance DL / Leg
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