Monday August 27, 2018
2×8 min KB Circuits with 2 min rest between
KB Circuit 1: (8 mins)
Buy in 300m run then circuit in remaining time:
1 length loaded carry
10 KB bent over rows (supine grip)
1 length loaded carry
10 KB front squats
Rest 2 min
KB Circuit 2: (8 mins)
Buy in 300m run then circuit in remaining time:
1 length KB front rack carry
10 double KB front rack lunges
1 length KB front rack carry
10 double KB press (strict or push)
KB floor press + KB hold (lockout)
0:20 press + 0:10 hold x 8 rounds
Tuesday August 28, 2018
20 min Chipper
40 wallballs
40 cal row
40 ball slams
40 anchored situps
40 burpees
*get as far as possible; if you finish, return to the top and keep working!
Wednesday August 29, 2018
6×3 min AMRAPs
300m run
Max air squats
Rest 1:00
300m run
Max burpees
Rest 1:00
300m run
Max box jumps
Rest 1:00
REPEAT! (for a total of 6 AMRAPs)
Thursday August 30, 2018
Min 1: 1 burpee + AMRAP wallballs
Min 2: 2 burpees + AMRAP wallballs
Min 3: 3 burpees + AMRAP wallballs
…until 10 burpees in tenth minute
rest 3 min
Min 1: 1 pushup + AMRAP cal row
Min 2: 2 pushups + AMRAP cal row
Min 3: 3 pushups + AMRAP cal row
…until 10 pushups in tenth minute
Friday August 31, 2018
3×6 min AMRAPs with 90 second rest between
6 mins
10 KB deadlifts
50 mountain climbers
10 Goblet squats
6 mins
10 KB swings
50 medball toe touches
10 ring rows
6 mins
10 lunges
50 lateral line or parallette hops
10 squat jumps
Accumulate 2:00 ring plank (plank with hands in rings)