Sunday 03-22-20 HomeFit

Sunday 03-22-20 HomeFit


Hey Starke Fam,

This has been a different week than any of us have ever known. It’s been a change for so many with being home from work, school, the gym and having the ability to go out as we please and visit with friends and loved ones. It still seems kind of surreal and I’m waiting to wake up and have this all be a bad dream but the longer it goes on for the more it seems like that’s not going to happen.

We’ve got another week of Homefit workouts coming up Monday and hope you’re enjoying them. We plan workouts for those with limited equipment so they’re going to be differnt then your normal class. They’ll present a different challenge and have some dofferent focuses and limitations as well. Be creative and do the best you can. Some movement is always better than no movement and more sweat is always better than less sweat 🙂

We’ve tried doing a few differnt things this week to keep our community bumpin with online workouts with limited equipment (and some pretty creative home made equipment), consistent posts and smack talk in our Private Facebook group, and some group chat sessions via Zoom meetings.

With the news that we’ll be closed down for another 30-days (at least), we’ve decided to rent out equipment to members including Rowers, Bikes, Kettlebells, Dumbbells and bars and plates and squat racks (no we will not be renting out the rig). We are currently doing a full inventory right now, coming up with a rental agreement, cleaning and sanitizing all equipment prior to it going out and creating a tagging system in Zen Planner to track and account for all equipment. It’s not a quick procedure but we’re getting there.

Equipment can be picked up or dropped off if needed and will be available on a  first come forst serve basis for members for a period of 30-days. This is something we’re doing to help offset costs for the gym that don’t stop because of our COVID-19 closure.

We are excited to provide personalized online programming and two way video skill sessions to members who are looking for a more personalized approach to their fitness along with using this time to dial movements in and work on skills while not in the gym. Hit us up for more info and we’re happy to fill you in on how we can help with some out of the box options.

We thank EVERYONE who continues to support us during this time as we would not exist without you (literally).

Stay safe, take care of your selves and eachother and stay #starkestrong

Paul & The Starke Team.

people working out in a group fitness class


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