Thursday 7-14-22 Workout Of The Day

Thursday 7-14-22 Workout Of The Day

We’re excited to welcome you all back into our new space Starke 3.0. An unbelievable amount of work went into dismantling our gym and moving it / reconstructing it in the new space and it could not have been done without so many amazing people. I’ll give shout out but need to collect my thoughts first as this has been an insane and non stop eight days.

Thank you for your patience with the move and we’re looking forward to welcoming you into our new home.

See you at the gym…

E2:30 – 8 (20 min)

1 Squat Clean + 2 Front Squats

Build to and through your your sets of front squats. If you’re newer, prioritize movement over load.

AMRAP – 10
“Summer School”
1 Squat Clean + 2 Front Squats
5 Bar Over Burpees
7 T2B
9 Kcal ECHO

RX: 105/155
Intermediate: 95/135#
Beginner: 65/95# +/-

We’ve got a short AMRAP to get moving with in our new gym. Start slow and pick it up in the last couple minutes. Your squat clean and front squats shouldn’t be a struggle, your burpees consistent and your T2B done in one set. Pace yourself on the bike to allow you to get right back to the bar.

people working out in a group fitness class


Talk with a coach to see if working out at Starke Strength & Conditioning is right for you.
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