Tuesday 01-12-2021 Starke HomeFit

For time:
50/35 cals
5 rounds “DT” @ light weight
25 bar facing burpees
3 rounds “DT” @ mod weight
25 bar facing burpees
1 round “DT” @ heavy weight
50/35 cals

1 round of “DT”:
12 deadlifts
9 hang power cleans
6 S2OH

Workout Notes/Intentions: Today’s WOD is a long chipper. It begins and finishes with cals on a machine- this should be around 3 minutes, give or take. Then you will go into 5 rounds of “DT” at the lightest weight. For efficiency and time/effort optimization, break up reps leaving one deadlift or hang clean left (for ex. do 11 deadlifts and then rest, then do your 12th deadlift which sets you up nicely for transitioning into hang cleans so you do not waste any reps). Then you will perform 25 bar/bell/object facing burpees. You will return to your barbell or DB’s/KB’s for 3 rounds of “DT” at a moderate weight. You are responsible for switching your own weights if using a barbell. The last round of “DT” following your second set of burpees should be your heaviest weight. The calories finishing out this workout should be a hard effort as it is your last piece of work for the day!