Gym News:
Today’s 9:30am class will be shifted to 11:00am as we will be hosting the West St Paul school division for some group training. There will be two more days that this will happen for January 16th and 24th. They’ve already bee updated on the schedule in advance.
Tuesday 1-08-18
30 Min AMRAP (share the load)
“Partner Predicament”
20 Hang Squat Clean Thrusters 65/95#
100’ Loaded Carries (heavy)
20 T2B / HLR
100’ Loaded Carry (yup, still heavy)
20 Alternating Back Lunges BB @ 65/95#
100’ Loaded Carry (this is where you ask yourselves if you should have gone that heavy)
20 Ring Rows
100’ Loaded Carry (this is where you go back and pick a lighter weight because you went too heavy).
*Loaded carries are 100’ by only one person between exercises NOT BOTH! alternating after each exercise would be a good idea…