Tuesday 11-06-18
In Teams of 2. Share the Load
40 Min AMRAP
“Slam Dunk”
3 Sled Sprints Ea. (empty)
30 Kcal row (total)
20 Double Bell C&J 35/50#
16 DB Box Over Burpees 35/50# 20/24”
12 Deadlift 155/225# (6 Deadlifts each or 12 as a pair)
Tuesday 11-06-18
In Teams of 2. Share the Load
40 Min AMRAP
“Slam Dunk”
3 Sled Sprints Ea. (empty)
30 Kcal row (total)
20 Double Bell C&J 35/50#
16 DB Box Over Burpees 35/50# 20/24”
12 Deadlift 155/225# (6 Deadlifts each or 12 as a pair)