Tuesday 11-28-22 Workout Of The Day

Tuesday 11-28-22 Workout Of The Day

E4M – 5
5 Back Squats & 5 Chin Ups (C2B, Add weight, add tempo etc.)

Build to and through your sets of five back squats, Pick challenging variations for your chin ups by adding weight, a tempo or being more explosive.

For Time
“Back-Side Bonanza”
Alternating Back Rack Lunges (backward lunges baby)
Strict Pull Ups

RX: 95/135#
Intermediate# 65/95#
Beginner: 55/75#

Today we’re attacking our back side with our pull-up and lunge combo. Pick a weight you can do your set of 30 & 20 Lunges in 1-2 sets and your 10 unbroken. The strict pull ups will be a grind so don’t allow yourself to fail or burn out on these as it takes a bit to recover from and you’ll be standing there staring at the bar while you rest.

people working out in a group fitness class


Talk with a coach to see if working out at Starke Strength & Conditioning is right for you.
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