Wednesday 06-03-2020 Workout Of the Day

Wednesday 06-03-2020 Workout Of the Day

A. 5 sets
5 back squats @55X1 (from floor)
5 strict pullups

B. 10 RFT @35/50#
15 KBS
10 goblet squats


Workout Notes/Intentions:
For part A, back squats will be performed from the floor (clean to shoulders then overhead to back rack) in your individual space/box. Heavy weight is not the goal; focus is on the tempo. Light weight will feel challenging!

For part B, the goal is to put that KB down as little as possible! See if you can hold onto it for all 10 rounds. If you are easing back into fitness, lower the rounds to 5 or 6; or complete 10 rounds of lower reps (10 and 5).

people working out in a group fitness class


Talk with a coach to see if working out at Starke Strength & Conditioning is right for you.
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