Wednesday 06/07/2023 Workout Of the Day
A. E 2:30 x 6 sets
6 bench press
6/arm single arm DB/KB rows
B. 12 min ladder @35/50#
single KB snatch (1=1 rep per arm)
goblet squats
single KB push press (1=1 rep per arm)
*30 DU/60 singles after each round
Workout Notes: Build to a challenging set of 6 reps for bench press using the rack. For the single arm rows, use a heavy DB or KB and maintain strict form. Perform both exercises in the 2:30 window, then rest or the remaining time. Repeat for 6 sets total.
Part B is a 12 minute ladder, starting at 1 rep. Perform 1 KB snatch on each arm, one goblet squat, one push press on each arm, then 30 DU. Then you do 2 of each, 3 of each, 4 of each, etc., ascending as high as you can in 12 minutes, skipping after each round.