Wednesday 06-10-2020 Workout Of the Day
A. E2M x 7 sets
1 snatch pull +
1 power snatch +
1 hang squat snatch +
B. 4 RFT
time cap: 15 mins
20/15 cal row
20 pullups
20 KBS
Workout Intentions/Notes: If you have not snatched for a while, use part A to familiarize yourself with the movements again. No need to go heavy. If you have been lifting consistently, you may choose to build to a challenging weight for your sets. Form should be the focus regardless.
Part B is expected to be grippy! Pullups should be done in 2-3 sets ideally. Aim for unbroken on the KBS. If you are comfortable and the coach gives you the go-ahead, you may do overhead KBS.