Wednesday 07-07-2021 Workout Of the Day

We interrupt our regularly scheduled programming today to bring you an extra special WOD for an extra special person! Coach Kraus is celebrating a big birthday today, and has requested that we all do “KRAUS” with her! We all wish you the happiest of birthdays Laurie! Thank you for all that you do and for being an inspiration to so many. Starke is a better place because of you. 50, looking 40 and kicking ass like you’re 30! Happy Birthday Kraus!


50 Min AMRAP (this may be modified)
50 Kcal Row
50 Front Squats 95/135#
50 KBS 50/70#
50 Burpees

Workout Notes/Intentions: This can be a solo effort or a partner WOD! Apologies on the 2 long AMRAPS back to back- “Kraus” was not the originally scheduled workout for today! For that reason, you may want to partner up today, especially if you didn’t yesterday. If partnering, share the reps with your partner as you see fit. Only one person may be working at a time. Chip away, pace yourselves and have fun with it! Any complaints, take it up with KRAUS herself!!!!