Wednesday 12-22-21
E2M – 6
5 DB Bench Press
Partner up for a bench or perform floor press for this movement. The benefit to using a bench is that you’ll get more range of motion with your press rather than having your elbows hit the ground and limit your depth. Build each round if possible…
AMRAP – 20
50/40 Kcal Ski Buy In
20 DB Step Ups 20/24″
16 Alternating DB Snatches
10 Box Jumps
5 DB Bench / Floor Press
RX: 35/50# (step-ups, snatches & press)
Intermediate 30/40# (step-ups, snatches & press)
Beginner 20/30# (step-ups, snatches & press)
Everyone will perform a 40/50kcal buy in on the ski erg before jumping into the AMRAP. Depending on class sizes, we may perform a waterfall start and have the clock extended to accommodate for everyone to use the ski ergs. The AMRAP time will be extended accordingly. Perform your step ups with one DB, Snatches with one DB and Bench / Floor press with two DB’s.