Wednesday 2-14-24 Workout Of The Day & Starke Sweat

Wednesday 2-14-24 Workout Of The Day & Starke Sweat

In teams of two…
AMRAP – 30
“Infinity War”
50 Kcal Row
50 Box Jumps 20/24” +/-
50 Dbl. DB Ground to overhead*
50 Alternating Dbl. DB back lunges
50 Pull ups  

DB Weights
RX: 35/50#
Int: 30/40#
Beg: 20/30# +/-

*Dbl. DB ground to overhead can be any variation of clean and jerk, or snatch 

Today’s workout is a longer partner chipper. With only one person working at a time, chip away at the above movements and communicate for quick transitions.

people working out in a group fitness class


Talk with a coach to see if working out at Starke Strength & Conditioning is right for you.
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