Wednesday 3-02-22 Workout Of The Day
E3M – 5
1 Back Squat
This week we’re going heavy! Heavier than last week. Grab a spotter or bail if needed. We’re going to fina a 1 RM today… You’re welcome to build thorugh your five rounds. Have a spotter watch your depth so you know you’re hitting the standard. For newer members or for individuals that single heavy reps aren’t good for, perform five sets of five reps every three minutes rather than building to a heavy single.
400m/500m Row
15 Thrusters
*5 Bar Over Burpees if you drop the bar.
RX: 55/75#
Intermediate 45/55#
Beginner: 35/45#
This is a gas pedal workout. The didstance is short-ish and the thrusters are light. Our HR department has been getting numerous complaints about the consistent equality of meters or kcal for guys and girls so we will try to be a little more sensitive to those concerns. Sometimes we wont 🙂 If you drop the bar during your 15 reps, perform five celebratory bar over burpees before picking up your bar again…