Wednesday 4-03-24 Workout Of The Day
E90 – 6
1-2 Deadlifts
Max Repetitions of Deadlifts @ 90% (to technical failure)
“Power-Up” (cap 18)
10 Rounds For Time:
200 Meter Ski
10-1 Hang Power Cleans 85/115#
Today we have a little three part workout. Part A. we get to build to 85% of our one RM. Once we hit 85% we’ll jump to 90% and perform one set of max repetitions at that weight. Use a belt to increase rigidity in your core and perform as many technically sound reps as possible at that weight.
Part C is ten rounds with an 18 min cap. Push the pace as this is only a couplet with descending reps in the hang power cleans. Choose a weight you can go unbroken with on all sets.