Wednesday 7-20-22 Workout Of The Day
E3M – 5
5 Back Squats
Build to and through your five sets of Back Squats on a three minute clock. Having a time limitation will help you to gauge working weights as you’ll need to recover and maintain good mechanics fro each set with cumulative fatigue from previous sets.
AMRAP – 12
“Hard Core”
16/20 Kcal Row
15 KBS
10 T2B / HLR
Three movements that’ll keep you moving. Your row should be consistent and allow you to go right into your unbroken kettlebells swings right after (shoulder height or overhead if possible). Toes To Bar, Hanging Leg Raise or Anchored Sit-ups can be used as a variation if needed.
All three movements will challenge your core and it might feel soft during the workout but you’ll for sure be “Hard Core” afterwards 🙂