Wednesday 9-01-2021 Workout Of the Day

A. E 2:00 x 8 sets 
1 snatch +
1 hang snatch +
1 snatch balance

B. 14 min AMRAP @65/95#
10 hang power snatch
10 box jump overs @20/24”
10 push-ups

Workout Notes/Intentions: Part A is a snatch complex- the goal is to not drop the bar for your set. The snatches can be power or squat. You will get lots of rest, so build to a heavy set if you are competent in the movements.

For Part B, choose a light barbell weight that you can do unbroken. Coaches will go over barbell cycling technique prior to starting. Push-ups should be doable in 1-3 sets. It’s a longer AMRAP so pace yourself to begin.