Friday 5-24-24 Workout Of The Day

E3M – 5

Back Squat 3-2-1-1-1 

“Brace Yourself” (cap 18)

For Time: 

50 Double Unders, 50 Hollow Rock
18 Dbl. DB/KB Front Squats
40 Double Unders, 40 Hollow Rock
15 Dbl. DB/KB Front Squats
30 Double Unders, 30 Hollow Rock
12 Dbl. DB/KB Front Squats 
20 Double Unders, 20 Hollow Rock
9 Dbl. DB/KB Front Squats 
10 Double Unders, 10 Hollow Rock
6 Dbl. DB/KB Front Squats 

Dumbbells: 35/50#

In today’s workout we get to challenge our previous 1RM back squat after 12 weeks of our strength cycle. Perform solid reps in warm up and as you build. Have a spotter if needed and someone watching your depth squat depth. If you don’t know how to bail from a back squat, ask the coach on deck.

Part B. is a little spin on the workout “Annie” Perform the above reps until completion. If your double under game isn’t strong, cut the DU’s in half for each round and if you’re hitting singles, double them 🙂 DB’s or KB’s for your squats are in pairs. Make sure you choose a weight you can go unbroken with.