Friday 9-30-22 Workout Of The Day
Today is the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation. For kids its a day off school and for some adults it’s a day off work. There’s a lot of history behind this day and we hope that it can be a day of education and honouring the children who survived residential schools, those who never made it home and families that will forever be impacted by these events.
Coach Micaela requested a special partner workout for tomorrow so partner up and spend some quality time together in this 40 minute workout.
40 min AMRAP
1000m row
⁃partner holds plank
40 synchro KBS
30 strict pull ups
⁃partner holds hollow hold
20 hang cleans 110/155# 95/135# 65/95#+/-
⁃partner hold bottom of goblet squat (with KB from Swings)
10 synchro burpees
400m run