Monday 05-11-20
EMOM – 12
Odd Minutes:
1-5 HSPU or Pike Push Ups
*Use this as a chance to work on YOUR area of need for handstand push-ups.
If you need to work on kicking up to the wall use that as your “skill” for the EMOM
Even Minutes:
3-5 Strict Pull Ups
If you have good consistent handstand push-ups do 1-5 strict HSPU’s for the EMOM (limiter being strength). For newer athletes or for those that it might not be safe to kick up to the wall work on Pike Pushup Variations.
AMRAP – 15
”Double Under Thunder From Down Under”
25 Double Unders
25 Double Unders
10 Pull Ups
25 Double Unders
10 Squat Cleans 65/95#