Monday 06/26/2023 Workout Of the Day

Monday 06/26/2023 Workout Of the Day

A. E2:30 x 6
1 power clean +
1 hang squat clean +
1 squat clean thruster (floor)

B. 3 RFT
30/24 cal row
20 BB thrusters @35/45#
10 C2B pullups

Workout Notes: Classes will spend time building to a challenging weight for Part A, before starting your working sets. The first rep of the complex is from the floor, as is the last rep. You can add weight throughout your working sets as well if you are moving well. 

Part B is a short metcon, done with an empty bar. Try to get the thrusters done unbroken, or in two sets. The weight is light so the reps should be smooth and fast.

people working out in a group fitness class


Talk with a coach to see if working out at Starke Strength & Conditioning is right for you.
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