Monday 10-08-18 “Team Workout”
Build to your heaviest Squat Clean in 20 minutes OR heaviest single front squat from the rack.
In Teams of three with only one person working at a time…
For Time
“Smells Like Gravy”
2000m Row
100 Thrusters @ 65/95#
90 Butterfly Sit-Ups
80 Alternating Back Lunges @65/95#
70 Box Overs @ 20/24”
60 T2B / HLR
50 Bar Facing Burpees
40 C2B Pull-Ups / Pull Ups
30 HSPU / Pike Push Ups / Push Ups
20 Ring Muscle Ups / Ring Dips
10 x 50’ Sled Sprints @ Sled +45/+90#
20 Ring Muscle Ups / Ring Dips
30 HSPU / Pike Push Ups / Push Ups
40 C2B Pull-Ups / Pull Ups
50 Bar Facing Burpees
60 T2B / HLR
70 Box Overs @ 20/24”
80 Alternating Back Lunges @65/95#
90 Butterfly Sit-Ups
100 Thrusters @ 65/95#
2000m Row