Monday 4-24-23 Workout Of The Day

Monday 4-24-23 Workout Of The Day

E90 – 7

3-5 Strict HSPU OR 3-5 Pike Push-Ups OR 3-5 Double KB Strict Press

Every 90 seconds perform 3-5 reps of one of the above three movements depending on your ability level. Make it challenging and keep in mind that lower reps and higher quality, repeatable movement is the goal here rather than “more reps”.


For time: RX 
1,600-m row
63 KB swings (35/50 lb)
36 pull-ups
1200-m row
42 KB swings
24 pull-ups
800-m row
21 KB swings
12 pull-ups

For time: Intermediate 
1600-m row
63 KB swings (35/50 lb)
24 pull-ups
1200-m row
42 KB swings
16 pull-ups
800-m row
21 KB swings
8 pull-ups

For time: Beginner 
12000-m row
42 KB swings (25/35 lb)
24 pull-ups / ring rows
1000-m row
30 KB swings
16 pull-ups / ring rows
800-m row
18 KB swings
8 pull-ups / ring rows

In part B. You’ll have a chance to break a sweat and try to keep moving the entire workout. Pick your version above and chip away… Goal time for this workout is between 18-23 minutes or less.

people working out in a group fitness class


Talk with a coach to see if working out at Starke Strength & Conditioning is right for you.
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