Saturday 03-16-24 Workout of The Day

Saturday 03-16-24 Workout of The Day

Open Workout 24.3

The 8:30am and 9:45am class will be hitting the Open workout as prescribed.

If you’re signed up for the open and need to be judged, come to 11am and perform the workout at that time. Is workout has a fifteen minute time cap and can be challenged in several different ways (RX’d, Scaled, and Foundations). In the class setting, try to use the standards below even if it’s not something you’re used to. It’s never a bad idea to challenge yourself a little 🙂

To review full standards and specifications for the workout, check out the following link 24.3 Score Sheet

*For a post workout finisher perform 3 rounds of…

20 Banded pull aparts
20 Bande bicep curls
20 Banded press downs

24.3 For time:

5 rounds of:
10 thrusters, weight 1 10 chest-to-bar pull-ups

Rest 1 minute, then:

5 rounds of:
7 thrusters, weight 2 7 bar muscle-ups

Time cap: 15 minutes

♀ 65, 95 lb (29, 43 kg) ♂ 95, 135 lb (43, 61 kg)

Rx’d: (Ages 16-54)
♀ 65 lb, 95 lb

♂ 95 lb, 135 lb

Masters 55+:

♀ 45 lb, 65 lb chin-over-bar, chest-to-bar pull-ups

♂ 65 lb, 95 lb chin-over-bar, chest-to-bar pull-ups

Scaled: (Ages 16-54)

♀ 45 lb, 65 lb jumping chest- to-bar, chin-over-bar pull-ups

♂ 65 lb, 95 lb jumping chest- to-bar, chin-over-bar pull-ups

Scaled Masters 55+:

♀ 35 lb, 55 lb jumping chest- to-bar, chin-over-bar pull-ups

♂ 45 lb, 65 lb jumping chest- to-bar, chin-over-bar pull-ups

people working out in a group fitness class


Talk with a coach to see if working out at Starke Strength & Conditioning is right for you.
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