Saturday 06-06-2020 Workout Of the Day
AMRAP x 35 mins
10 burpees
20 DB or KB snatch
30 single DB or KB step ups
40 single arm DB or KB FS
50 single DB or KB S2OH
*E5:00 run 300m
*every person will run a total of 7 x 300m
-half the class will perform their first run @0:00 and their last run @30:00
-the other half will perform their first run @5:00 and their last run @35:00
Workout Notes/Intentions:
This is a long one, so pace yourself from the start. Choose a weight that allows you to do at least 10 reps of each exercise without breaking. The goal is to move consistently for the full AMRAP. Use the run as recovery if needed.