Saturday 1-27-24 Workout Of The Day

Saturday 1-27-24 Workout Of The Day

25 Min Circuit
“Smack Attack”
5 Power Cleans
10 DB Chest Press 35/50# +/-
5 Front squats
10/8 Cal ECHO
5 Burpee pull ups 
10 Deadlifts

RX: 125/185#
Int: 110/155#
Beg: 95/135#

Today’s workout is a heavish circuit. Take time and build to a challenging working weight. Your limiter will be the power cleans / front squats as the barbell will be the same for these movements. Choose a weight you can do a minimum of three power cleans unbroken for the workout even though you might perform singles in the workout. DB chest press can be floor or bench

people working out in a group fitness class


Talk with a coach to see if working out at Starke Strength & Conditioning is right for you.
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