Saturday 5-25-24 Workout Of The Day

In teams of three…
AMRAP – 30


5 Rounds For Time: 

P1: 20/16 Calorie Row 

P2: 10/12 Kcal ECHO

P3: 1 Round of “DT” 95/135# ~

*1 Round of “DT”: 

12 Deadlifts 

9 Hang Power Cleans 

6 Push Jerks 

* Switch After Completion of All Stations

Today’s workout is a team of three workout. PUSH THE PACE on the Row, Bike and the Round of DT as you’ll be resting till your next turn.

Person one will push the pace on the row, once person one completed the row, person two starts the cals on the bike, as soon as person two finishes the bike, person three hits one round of DT (see above for reps and movements). For round TWO, person one will begin on the bike, persone two hits DT and person three hits the row. For round three, person one starts on DT, person two hits the row, then person three hits the bike… Keep this rotation up for the duration of this 30 minute AMRAP. Try to pair up with team mates that will share the same weight on the bar or only need some quick mods as there will be a little break between the use of the bar in this workout. Your weight chosen should be unbroken for all your shoulder to overhead reps. If multiple bars are needed per team go for it.