Saturday 7-9-22 Workout Of The Day
GYM NEWS: Tomorrow’s workout is the final workout at Starke 2.0 It’s been a great five years here and it’s amazing what we’ve done in here over the past five years. Tomorrow’s workout will be mostly outdoors because we’ve taken a whole lot down and out 🙂
For those asking if we need some help, we’ll be moving gear during and after the workout so if you feel like lifting a little more, you’re more than welcome to assist.
In teams of two.
“Triple Five”
5k Row (5000m)
500 Double Unders, single unders or toe taps
5k Run
Suggestions to attack this workout…
- Share the 5000m row and alternate as desired
- Perform your 500 DU’s, or singles or toe taps (if you have mixed abilities, that’s ok just get to 500 together)
- 5k run… here’s how we can mix it up. This will be an out and back to Sunova THREE TIMES so you can either do
A. 3 miles from Starke to Sunova and back together.
B. 1 mile each then the last mile together (alternate the first two).
C. One person does two miles and one person does one mile (person one, then person two, then person one)
D. Be a douche bag and get your partner to run all three miles.
This workout will be all outdoors (weather permitting) so wear your hat and glasses if needed and be ready to work. If it is raining the rowing and skipping will be done indoors and the run will be outdoors unless there’s lightening 🙂