Starke Sweat Monday April 15th – Friday April 19th 2024
Monday 4-15-24 Starke Sweat
EMOM – 15
8 Dbl. DB Thrusters
10 Alt Renegade rows
6-8 Dbl DB Box Step Overs
6 Burpees to a target
8 Wall Balls
10 Kettlebell Swings
12/15 kcal Ski
Tuesday 4-16-24 Starke Sweat
“Jiffy” (cap 30)
For Time:
1600/2000m Ski
1600/2,000m Row
1 Mile Run or 96/120 Kcal ECHO
Core work, coaches choice 🙂
All conditioning today baby. Aim for a maximum of 10 min / movement. The clock will be set for a “soft cap” so you can still get your time when you get in off the run 🙂
Wednesday 4-17-24 Starke Sweat
E75 – 15
8-10 DB Chest Press
8-10 Dbl Bell Front Squats (DB or KB)
8-10 Pull Ups
AMRAP – 10
10 Box Jump Overs
10 Alt DB/KB Lunges (35/50# one bell)
10 Hand Release Push Ups
8/10 Kcal Row
Thursday 4-18-24 Starke Sweat
In teams of two… (cap 35)
100 Sit Ups
90 Kcal Row
80 Alt. DB Snatches
70 Dbl. DB walking lunges
60 Wall Balls
50 KBS
40 Box jumps
30 Burpees to a target
20 Empty sled sprints
10 Kcal ECHO sprint (each)
In teams of two, chip away at the above workout with one person working and one resting.
Friday 4-19-24 Starke Sweat
E75 – 14
Odd: 6-8 BB Bench Press
Even: 10-12 Alt. Gorilla Rows
AMRAP – 12
10/12 Kcal Ski
8 Ring Rows
4 Devils Press