Sunday 4-14-24 Workout Of The Day

Sunday 4-14-24 Workout Of The Day

“Never Ending EMOM”

EMOM 40 for Max Reps (5 rounds)

Min 1 | Burpees
Min 2 | Medball squat cleans
Min 3 | Abmat sit ups
Min 4 | Double KB deadlifts (50/35)
Min 5 | Push ups
Min 6 | Double unders
Min 7 & 8 | Rest 

Score = Total reps across all rounds Use your rest rounds to give your coach your score for that round. Choose methods, variations and weights that you can perform consistent movement with in your sets. 

people working out in a group fitness class


Talk with a coach to see if working out at Starke Strength & Conditioning is right for you.
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