Thursday 10-20-22 Workout Of The Day

E3M – 6
8 OH Walking Lunges + 6-8 Chin Ups

In a three minute window, perform 8 front rack or OH walking lunges & 6-8 chin ups. Your work window will limit how heavy you’ll be able to go in your lunges. Try to keep at least 1:00 – 1:15 rest each round.

“Basement Floor”
For Time…
Alternating Lunges & Lateral Bar Over Burpees

Cash-out 21/30 Kcal Ski

RX: 65/95#
Intermediate: 55/75#
Beginner: 45/55# +/-

With a descending rep scheme perform 10 alternating front rack lunges then 10 lateral bar over burpees before going onto your round of nine for both movements. As soon as you finish your round of 1 & 1 cash-out with your 21/30 kcal ski and send it home!