Thursday 2-24-22 Workout Of The Day
E3M x 5
Bella Complex:
1 Clean
1 S2OH
1 Front Squat
1 S2OH
Today we get to “play” with the Bella complex. You can receive the clean in a power or squat position, the S2OH can be power or split jerk (do what you’re more comfortable with). You’ll have time to build and drill before the clock starts. Take your time and move well with this complex. Don’t rush it!
For Time
Front Squat
Kcal Ski
RX: 85/115#
Intermediate: 65/95#
Beginner: 55/75# +/-
Todays workout should be 1-2 sets max for the round of 15 and unbroken for the 5’s and 10’s. Choose your weight accordingly and push the pace on the backside of the pyramid 🙂