Thursday 4-19-18 Workout Of The Day
5 Rounds of…
5 Double Bell Strict Press (standing)
8 Double Bell Cleans
5 Double Bell Front Squats
10 Double Bell Bent Over Rows
10 Double Bell Alternating Back Lunges
Rest 60-90 seconds
*The limiter for this strength workout will be the strict press. Athletes should be able to complete all exercises and reps WITHOUT putting the bells down. Once the athlete puts the bells down, check the clock and take a 60-90 second rest before starting the next set.
Run 1 Mile 🙂
For those of you who haven’t been running ease into it and don’t worry too much about the time. If you have been running, push the pace a bit.
If you’re coming to the 6am class dress in layers and be ready for some cool weather.
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