Thursday 8-12-2021 Workout Of the Day

A. Skill work: ring muscle ups

B. EMOM x 10
muscle ups*
* athletes choice of number

C. 15 min AMRAP @35/50#
15 dbl bell KBS
10 dbl bell step overs
5 ring dips

Workout Notes/Intentions: The skill work will be coach led- coaches will give you drills and variations to practice based on where you’re at currently. If you are not able to perform 2-3 strict ring dips and 2-3 strict pullups, you will focus on building strength for the EMOM today. For the EMOM, choose an appropriate number of reps that you can repeat and maintain for the 10 minutes.

Part B is a 15 min AMRAP in which you will need 2 KB’s of the same weight. Swings and step over are double bell. The ring dips can be kipping or band/foot assisted if needed.