Thursday 8-26-2021 Workout Of the Day

A. 10 min EMOM
1 power clean + 1 hang squat clean

B. 3:00 on / 3:00 off x 3 sets
15 hang squat cleans @65/95#
15 bar facing burpees
max cals in time remaining

12 hang squat cleans @95/135#
12 bar facing burpees
max cals in time remaining

9 hang squat cleans @125/185#
9 bar facing burpees
max cals in time remaining

Workout Notes/Intentions: For Part A, build as you go and finish the EMOM at a heavy weight for the day. You can sit down between sets. You should be holding onto the bar for the 2 reps; don’t drop after the power clean.

For Part B you get a 1:1 work to rest ratio, so you want to be pushing the pace and going hard during your work period. You will work for 3 minutes then rest for 3 minutes. Barbell weight goes up for each of the rounds, and you must change your own weights. The first weight should be doable in 1-2 sets. Your heaviest weight will likely be several small sets and that’s okay. The max effort calories should be intense.