Thursday 9-12-24 Workout Of The Day

6 Min Strict HSPU or HSPU Skill Work


EMOM – 6
1-5 Strict HSPU

AMRAP – 12
“Dinghy Dilemma”
10 Alt Reverse Lunges (KB)
8/10 Kcal Row 

Today’s workout kicks off with a little strength & skill work. If going upside down isn’t your jam, use some DB’s or KB for strict press otherwise work on kicking up to the wall, lowering to a mat, pressing or kicking out of it or hitting some pike push ups. Either way, try to do something you HAVEN’T done before and gain some tools in your tool box.

Part C is a little 10 minute AMRAP. Go unbroken and push the pace. Nothing in this workout should be stopping you or slowing you down.