Tuesday 10-04-22 Workout Of The Day
Skill work and EMOM 8 for muscle up / pull up / ring dip variations.
the goal for this is to try versions and variations you havent done yet. The goal is to try and make a breakthrough in a movement or technique. That DOESN’T mean you’ll use that version for the workout. If you’re not sure, ask your coach and they’ll know what to do.
AMRAP – 20
2 Ring Muscle Ups (sub bar MU if needed)*
4 HSPU / Pike Push Ups / DB or KB Push Press
8 KBS (over head if possible) 35/50# +/-
*Substitute two C2B pull ups / pullups AND two ring dips / dips if you don’t have muscle ups.
Today is the Hero WOD “Nate” Pick movements you won’t struggle or get stuck on. Ring muscle ups can be substituted for 2 ring dips and 2 pull ups… Have fun!