Tuesday 10-25-22 Workout Of The Day

Tuesday 10-25-22 Workout Of The Day

“Fraternal Twins”
AMRAP – 15
Row 14/20 Kcal
15 Push Ups
10 DB Cleans (from the ground)
5 Devils Press

RX: 30/40#
Intermediate: 25/35#
Beginner: 20/30# +/-

Rest 4 Min

AMRAP – 15
14/20 Kcal Ski
15 Wall Balls 20/30#
10 Pull Ups
5 Ring Dips

Today’s workout is two 15 minute AMRAP’s The first one will be near the whiteboard and the second in line with the rig. Set your ski erg up by the rig so you don’t need to waste too much time transitioning 😉

people working out in a group fitness class


Talk with a coach to see if working out at Starke Strength & Conditioning is right for you.
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