Tuesday 12-26-23 Workout Of The Day

Tuesday 12-26-23 Workout Of The Day “Twelve Rounds”

Merry Christmas everyone! We hope you had a great day with your family and loved ones. with lots of quality time, food, and time to reflect.

We’ll be hitting “Twelve Rounds” for our Boxing Day tradition. It’s probably going to smell like gravy in the gym after this one but it will be worth it…

“Twelve Rounds”

Three minutes on for max reps with one minute off between each round…

  1. T2B / HLR
  2. Wall Balls 14/20#
  3. Box-Over Burpees 20/24″
  4. Hang Squat Cleans @ 65/95#
  5. Kcal Ski
  6. Anchored Sit Ups
  7. Ring Dips / Dips
  8. Kcal ECHO
  9. Kettle Bell Snatch 30/50# (or DB hang snatch)
  10. Ring Rows
  11. Alternating Back Rack Lunges (65/95#)
  12. Pull Ups (kipping, butterfly, banded, etc…)

*Your score is the total number of reps completed through all twelve rounds.

Pick weights and movements you can move consistently with. If you choose movements that are too technical or too heavy you’ll be standing around a lot. Keep in mind, you’re only doing each exercise ONCE fro three minutes for max reps so KEEP MOVING!!!

people working out in a group fitness class


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