Tuesday 6-25-24 Workout Of The Day

“Since U Been Gone” 

3 Rounds:
3:00 work 1:30 Rest 

16/20 Kcal Row

15 DB/KB Front Squats 35/50#

10 Burpee Pull Ups

Rest 3 Minutes 

3 Rounds:
3:00 work 1:30 Rest 

10/12 Kcal Echo
8 Gorilla Rows
6 Push Ups

* Rest three minutes between part A & B.
** Pick-up Where You Left Off

In todays’ workout you’ll have two parts with some work rest ratio built in. Push the pace and enjoy the rest. Choose weights you can go unbroken with in the work period. After you complete three rounds of part A, rest three minutes before jumping into part B.